I know it feels like this blog has all the sass you can handle, but I am here to tell you there is more. More you ask? YES MORE. There are so many ways to follow me, you may just as well move in. But I live in a NYC apt with little to no space, so you would probably end up on the couch, womp womp. Hence I am making this post because there are more comfortable ways to follow me and still maintain your own space. How can you follow A Little Bit etc? Well so glad you asked. First there is Twitter (follow me @alittlebitetc), where I post beauty articles, food articles, funny articles, and sass up a storm.
Next there is Pinterest and I have to admit, I love to Pin. I have shopping boards, beauty boards, home decor boards, FOOD BOARDS (meals and desserts, I don’t mess around), travel boards – the whole nine yards. If you love to pin, this is your jam. Find me on Pinterest here.
Everyone has Facebook so this one is easy for all. I ask a lot of questions on Facebook and often get great beauty discussions going, so it’s fun to engage with fellow beauty lovers. I will also say that I strive hard to put content on each social media platform that is somewhat different than the others. So I may post a giveaway link or great article on Facebook that I don’t post on Twitter and vice versa. It’s worth following on more than one platform because it’s likely that you will get every piece of beauty and fashion news imaginable. Prepare your brain (and wallet, whoops). Like me on Facebook here.
Bloglovin is a great tool to use to follow all your favorite blogs at one time and scroll through all their latest posts. I highly recommend it, and find it the best tool for reading everything in one single stream of information – blog reading efficiency at it’s best! Follow me on bloglovin here.

Ah, Instagram. By far my favorite platform of them all. Such fun pictures, captions, communities – it’s all great! I’ve got regular hashtags going on to group all my favorite photos together (food, makeup, skincare) and even have one going for people to show off their own morning makeup pics. And plus, I pretty much always use the Valencia filter and well, we all know that’s the best filter. So follow just for that. Find me on Instagram @alittlebitetc.
There you have it folks! All my social channels in one handy little post. I’m so thoughtful.