It’s Sephora VIB sale time again! Here are my recommendations if you are looking for some items to pick up! Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe! Here
The Sephora VIB sale begins tomorrow! Here are my recommendations on items to pick up during the sale. Bumble and Bumble Hairdresser’s Invisible Oil Primer Clinique Color
The Sephora VIB sale just launched today so I figured I would throw up a quick video about my recommendations of what to buy! Enjoy and don’t
So I’ve been shopping…..mainly Space NK and Sephora. Is there any better place? Nope. I picked up a few items and figured I would do a video
The right makeup brush can make all the difference. I picked both of these up during my recent trip home and I have not gone a single
And the winner is……. Marianna (twitter @impressionblend)!!! Congrats!! Please email me to claim your awesome gift card. Oh, and then make sure to let me know what