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My Sephora VIB Haul

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Here’s a look at what I picked up during the recent Sephora VIB haul. Leave me a comment below and let me know what you picked up during the sale too!


The products mentioned in the video:

Past Posts

My Sephora VIB Recommendations

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It’s Sephora VIB sale time again! Here are my recommendations if you are looking for some items to pick up! Enjoy and don’t forget to subscribe! Here

Video: My Sephora VIB Sale Recommendations

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Video: My Sephora VIB Sales Recommendations

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Two New Brushes

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Sephora Gift Card Giveaway Winner

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And the winner is……. Marianna (twitter @impressionblend)!!! Congrats!! Please email me to claim your awesome gift card.  Oh, and then make sure to let me know what