A clean pore is a happy pore. And happy pores make for happy faces. It can be quite a challenge to keep pores clean with the amount of makeup and environmental stressors coming at them everyday, but I have found it easier than expected when I incorporate masks into my weekly routine. Here is the current line up of pore cleansing masks I have in rotation:
Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque – If the results don’t win you over, the price certainly will. Typically under $5, this is one of the best beauty buys. It tingles a bit when on, but it is great at leaving my skin feeling fresh and clean, while helping to minimize the appearance of pores.
Mario Badescu Drying Mask – Never met a Mario Badescu mask I didn’t love, and I don’t think I ever will. Formulated with sulfur and calamine, this mask helps to dry up any blemishes and/or excess oil while healing it at the same time. Even when using other hydrating or enzyme masks, I will spot treat certain areas with this and then use other masks on the remaining parts of my face.
Origins Clear Improvement Mask – This was an impulse purchase in the check out line at Sephora, which can be quite the beauty gauntlet to get through. Lightweight and easy to apply, it helps to clear up my skin without stripping it of excess oil or drying it out.
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