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Bits and Pieces

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Bits and Pieces: Zebra

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Whoever made up that ridiculous rule about no white jeans after labor day or not in the winter or only on a full moon in July (ok,

Bits and Pieces: Casual Chambray

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There are those outfits where you put a great deal of thought into planning – accessory matching, makeup pairing, hair vibe, shoe contenders – the works.  Then

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Bits and Pieces: 2013 Lookbook Recap

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  Click on the number to read each past post: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. To shop more of my fashion

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Bits and Pieces: Let It Snow

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When I texted my mother and said we were outside taking outfit shots in the snow, her response was “You are committed.  Or you should be committed.” 

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Bits and Pieces: Silk Sweatshirt

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Listen, it’s no secret I am a fancy pants.  Now, do I go out of the house without makeup? Of course.  Do I always have my hair

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Bits and Pieces: Overcoat

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Sometimes I wear an outfit and feel that it is just too comfortable to be allowed in public.  Do you have those outfits?  Ones where you put

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Bits and Pieces: Clover Canyon – A Love Affair

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  For someone who loves solid colors and neutral tones soooo much, my growing love affair with Clover Canyon pieces may seem a tad odd.  But all

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Bits and Pieces: Bell Sleeves

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  As a New Yorker, it is standard to have too many black pieces in your wardrobe.  However, after many years of working in the cosmetics industry

Bits and Pieces: Fair Isle And Flare

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Nothing says nature like black patent leather ankle boots and a pleated, a-line skirt, ya know? If I can’t blend in to my surroundings, then at least

Bits and Pieces: Fall Colors

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In hopes of seeing fall foliage this past weekend, I dressed for the occasion.  I felt that if I dressed for it, it would come. Unfortunately we