HigherDose Infrared Sauna Blanket ReviewIf there is one thing about me, I LOVE to try all the beauty and spa treatments, wellness supplements, basically anything to make me feel good. LOL And if I can do them at home, that is even better. There are so many more options available now from LED face masks (this is my favorite red light face mask), to facials and sauna sessions, so we can get the benefits of all these treatments in the comfort of our own home. I have loved infrared saunas for years and would visit one frequently near my home. I shared more about that in my wellness chat post. Saunas are one of the most popular wellness treatments right now but you don’t have to visit a spa or build a sauna room to experience it.

I was made aware of the HigherDose Infrared Sauna Blanket a few years ago after seeing it on social media and was so intrigued! It provided all the benefits that I loved about infrared saunas in something I could use at home. I’ve been testing it out and wanted to do a in depth review of it for those that may be interested to try it too.

HigherDose Infrared Sauna Blanket Review

HigherDose Infrared Sauna Blanket ReviewIn this post I will explain what a sauna blanket is and what it does for the body and skin. There are a ton of amazing benefits to using it and the ease of having it available to use at home is even better. It’s definitely an investment so hopefully this post will help explain it better and help you make an informed decision on whether it would be beneficial for you.

What Is a Sauna Blanket?

A sauna blanket is a sleeping bag style blanket that uses infrared technology and infrared heat to mimic the effects you get when sitting in a sauna. They can be used at home to help boost circulation, provide deep relaxation, help muscle recovery, burn calories and detoxify. The HigherDose Infrared Sauna blanket offers far infrared heat which increases your heart rate and provides a deep detoxifying sweat. In addition it can help reduce inflammation and provide inside-out healing for the body.

There are multiple layers in the blanket that provide various benefits to the body. The charcoal layer helps to flush out impurities and toxins, the clay layer emits negative ions and balances the heat and magnetic layer improves blood flow and circulation. A layer of amethyst and tourmaline deepens the benefits of infrared and also emits negative ions which fights free radicals. In addition to all of this, the HigherDose Sauna Blanket is grounded in extremely low frequency currents which makes it safe to use at home.

Is the HigherDose Sauna Blanket Worth It?

Is the HigherDose Sauna Blanket Worth It?

I visited an infrared sauna studio for nearly a year and found so many great benefits to each session. Especially during the winter, my skin was so healthy and not as dry. It gave me a ton of energy and I had a lot less inflammation overall. It got a bit pricey after time so I was anxious to find an alternative that gave me the same benefits. I was so excited when I read about the HigherDose Infrared Sauna Blanket and it was nearly identical to the same type of treatment I was getting at the sauna studio! While it is a one time investment, I use it nearly 3-4x/week and get to do it when I am laying in bed listening to my audiobooks. LOL I love how easy it is to use and doesn’t take any setup or prep time.

You simply lay it out, crawl in and turn it on. The biggest benefit I have noticed when using is how invigorated I feel after I am done. It really does give me a boost of endorphins and I feel energized yet deeply relaxed. I have found that it helps me immensely during my menstrual cycle especially if I am feeling fatigued or my cramps are really intense. When you turn the blanket on, there is a timer for 50 minutes so you don’t have to worry about staying in too long. I have not yet made it to the full 50 minutes but I’m working up to it! I even have my husband using it after his workouts because it has done wonders at helping with his muscle recovery.

If you are someone that will dedicate the time to utilizing this a few times per week, then I think it is definitely worth the investment. I do notice that the more consistent I am with using the HigherDose Sauna Blanket, the better the benefits. Consistency is key.

Higher Dose Infrared Sauna Blanket Benefits

Glowing Skin

By improving and boosting circulation, it helps to promote healthy and glowing skin.

Deep Relaxation

The mat contains grounding layers of crystal, charcoal and clay which help the body deeply relax. To be honest, the heat alone provides the most intense form of relaxation for me. More than a hot shower and more than a hot bath.

Muscle Recovery

The infrared heat helps aid in post-workout muscle recovery

Burns Calories

While this isn’t a huge focus for me, this is one of the benefits of the infrared sauna blanket. You sweat like you are sitting in a sauna room and your heart rate naturally increases which burns calories.


By increasing the thermal heat, the body will experience a deep detoxifying sweat and aid in pushing out environmental toxins in the body.

Boost Circulation

By heating the body, the heart rate naturally increases which improves circulation.

How to Use HigherDose Infrared Sauna Blanket

The chances of me utilizing a device or treatment at home mostly depends on how easy it is to set up and use. I always call myself the laziest high maintenance person ever. I want to do all the things but with the least amount of effort. Ha! And that is why I have stuck with this consistently – it is so easy to set up and use which makes me more inclined to do it multiple times per week. And as I said earlier, the more consistent I am with it, the more benefits I have seen. The ease of use is also what helps justify the price because it takes such little effort but the benefits are so great!

Preheat the Blanket

The heat settings go from 1 to 10 but I have never gone past a 5 at the moment. Turn the blanket on and choose the heat setting you want and then allow it to preheat for 10 minutes.

Wear Clothing

It is recommended that you wear lightweight loose fitting clothing (long sleeves and pants) and socks when using the blanket. However, you can use it with no clothing but you need to use the sauna blanket towel insert.

Lay It Flat

Be sure you lay it flat on a heat resistant surface. I use it on my bed or sometimes the couch.

Get In and Zip Up

Once the blanket has preheated for 10 minutes, get in and zip yourself in. The blanket will automatically turn off after being on for 50 minutes so you don’t have to worry about staying in for too long. I have only been able to stay in for 30 minutes but am working my way up to the full 50 minutes.

Place a Blanket or Towel Underneath

You need a barrier between the blanket and your body so choose either a towel or the HigherDose Infrared Sauna Blanket insert (this is what I have and love it).

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Be sure you drink a lot of water before and after because you will sweat it all out in the blanket.

Clean the Blanket After Each Use

Use a gentle disinfecting wipe on the blanket to clean it after each use. It is not recommend to use anything strong like Clorox or bleach wipes.

Let the Blanket Fully Cool Before Storing It

I wait about 20-30 minutes for the blanket to fully cool down before I fold it up and store it.