Unfortunately this shade is limited edition so I don’t think they are selling it online. I found mine at Bergdorf Goodman, so you may want to call your closest Chanel to see if you can find one.
Chanel Le Vernis Sweet Star
October,12 2014 | Chanel, Fall Nails, Metallic Nails, Nail Polish

Two New Brushes
Beauty Bits, Brushes, Hourglass, Sephora | October 10, 2014
The right makeup brush can make all the difference. I picked both of these up during my recent trip home and I have not gone a single

I Am FINALLY Here For Cream Eye Shadows
Beauty Bits, Cream Eye Shadow, Eye Shadow, Makeup | October 09, 2014
I’ve decided I am going to stop making generalized statements about beauty products, makeup or skincare. Because just when I say something definitive, I find a product

Trench Weather
Bits and Pieces, Classic Trench, Lookbook | October 08, 2014
Nothing is more appropriate for fall than the perfect trench. I have had various trench coats over the years but none I really loved as much as

A Few New Fall Lip Colors
Beauty Bits, Bold Lips, Guerlain, Kevyn Aucoin, Red Lips, YSL | October 07, 2014
Dark and bold lip colors for fall? Groundbreaking. I can’t help but jump on the cliche bandwagon every time the seasons change. Brights for summer, pastels for